
NFR trainings result from our real world experience working with communities and organizations. Trainings can be affordably customized and personally delivered to any size audience. Courses may be delivered remotely online or in person.

Check this page regularly for our latest interactive trainings.

Neighborhood Revitalization and Stabilization

Neighborhoods change over time, not overnight. Understand how and when change happens, understand how you can influence and manage it. NFR shares experiences from communities across the nation.

  • Identify the early signs of “positive” and “negative” neighborhood destabilization
  • Proactively manage community change
  • Stimulate resident engagement
  • Successfully create and leverage investments of human, financial and in-kind resources that are deliberate, focused, patient and socially responsible.
  • Successfully create and maintain a diverse community of choice.

Grant Writing

Competition for limited resources is never easy. The current environment adds to the stress. Let NFR help you focus your funding research. We will help you write a captivating, and succinct request that funders want to support.  

– Identify the “right” funders for your request 

– Understand your grant makers guidelines and limits

– Tell a compelling story about your needs

– Report your activity to encourages repeated funding.


Develop true collaborative – mutually beneficial – agreements successfully. Even when you’re working with others who have been your competitors in the past. Understand the benefits, challenges and work involved with true collaborative efforts. 

NFR will show you the Win-Win-Win scenarios that transform the seemingly impossible to the very possible. We will share with you the “real world” examples of successful and unsuccessful collaborations and what led to each. 

Learn how conscious open mindedness, thoughtful planning, patience, and a focused work effort yields positive successful resulting collaborations.

Investors, Renters and Residents

Effectively work with investors to stabilize and add value to your neighborhood while improving the investors bottom line – a double win. Make it a triple success by helping renters save money, become property owners, and build asset wealth as they positively contribute to the neighborhood. All while simultaneously improving the community’s financial and social health. NFR shares and helps you successfully replicate efforts utilized across the country.  

Resident Led Development

Residents in a neighborhood often see potential that others  may miss. Residents have led efforts to make development and redevelopment happen. Let NFR show you how to help  builders, investors, government and others engage in  positive development opportunities. You know more, and can accomplish more, than you may have understood before this training.


Marketing, promoting, advertising, selling, public relations – these are not just different words for the same thing. This training helps you sort through – and master – the important understandings of these often misused terms.Let NFR help you implement successful comprehensive marketing efforts.

Micro and Social Enterprises

Micro enterprises are small businesses often employing less than 10 people. Collectively, they are the country’s largest employer.

A social enterprise is a venture, regardless of legal structure or size, that advances a social agenda by engaging in one or more income earning business strategies to support all or part of a mission. These businesses have a double bottom line; one financial, one social.

NFR will help you understand the mechanics of these respective businesses and help you think through your investment, involvement or possibly creation of an enterprise.

Community and Resident Engagement

Community Resident Engagement (CRE) is not rocket science. Nor should you lrt it give you pause  regardless of your role – resident, community manager, or real estate representative,  CRE helps demonstrably achieve positive business, neighborhood, organizational, and social outcomes. regardless of your focus – home owners, tenants, in a multi-family community or working with a home owners association (HOA). This training is invaluable, empowering and simplifys engagement efforts from crime intervention to community beautification. Successfully access human and financial investments in your neighborhood.